Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday!

It's dear husband's 33rd birthday today! Unfortunately for him, he has to work today and his mom left this morning, so it might not be the most exciting birthday ever. Not that you read this, but I love you honey and I hope your birthday is wonderful!

He got his present from his mom on Saturday - a wii Fit Plus, and the resort game that comes with the wii motion thingamajigger. Last night he opened his presents from me. I got him the dreaded snuggie I teased him about (comes with a free reading light!) and the memoirs of one of the nazis that was involved in trying to kill Hitler; he doesn't read much, but he looooooves WWII history, so hopefully he'll get to enjoy it. He got a cute card from the dogs, and one from me that is a picture of Obama. He's a staunch Republican (federalist, if you get him on the topic) and I'm a bleeding heart liberal, so I thought it was pretty amusing. Him...not so much. He hasn't opened the card frm his dad yet or the one from my parents, but they both contain checks. So maybe he can afford to buy ME a birthday present! #husbandfail

He officially had his birthday dinner on Friday (Marie Livingstons, a local steakhouse. He loves him some prime rib), but hopefully we can find something a little special tonight, other than the leftover baked ziti from last night. If I can handle being in the car after my followup with the surgeon, I might find him a cake, though I don't know how I'll fit 33 candles on it...

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