Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Oh, poor little blog. I created you with the best of intentions, but life had other plans. I suppose theres only so many ways to say that I'm still grieving or that, wow, I did laundry today. I probably wouldn't read me if I didn't have to.

There's other things going on. It's time to start studying for my next crack at the bar exam. I get to go home this weekend and see my dad, stepmom, sister and niece. I'm working a bit. It's part time and doesn't pay well, but it's a little bit of income and keeps me out of the house. The trade off is its harder to find the time and energy to take care of the house like I want to. Pretty mundane stuff really.

There's other things going on, that people close to me are fully aware of. But they're not things I feel are appropriate to write about in such a public forum. So I'll have to keep it close to the vest a little more.

I hope things are going well for the rest of you in bloggyland. Maybe I'll see you again in a month and ahalf.