December 14 Rush. When did you get your best rush of the year?
I'm gonna be honest, even if it makes me sound like a broken record sometimes doing Best of 09.
My biggest rush this year is absolutely that moment when I lined up with my wedding party, next to my dad, about to walk down the aisle.
At that moment, everything was clear, everything was beautiful, and there were no doubts, no worries. Not worrying about whether the programs and bubbles were where they were supposed to be, who was standing where, where the car was going to pick us up and drop us off. Just thinking about how happy I was to be headings towards M, and how much I wanted to see him (having sequestered myself as tradition dictated the night before...when I barely slept at all in a gorgeous hotel room, alone). I was full of adrenaline, but I didn't feel nauseated or headachy from it. Afterwards, as we walked into the reception, I was shaking like a leaf as the adrenaline wore out.
But right then, everything in my world was perfect.
Isn't it a great feeling on that special day? I just got married this year myself and I'm loving my newlyweddism.