Saturday, November 21, 2009

men, babies...what's the difference?

After living with M, an ex, and as an adult in my father's home, I can only reach one conclusion: men are helpless.

I had surgery on Thursday. I spent Wednesday trying to make sure all my ducks were in a row before I was out of commission. This included putting a "clean" sign on the dishwasher so M wouldn't put dirty dishes in with the clean (again), picking up the glasses that every man I've lived with leaves all over, picking up clothes that get left wherever M takes them off (which is everywhere in the house, same with my ex. I don't get it). I put the bills he needs to pay on the fridge, and put more mail in the pile of his mail that he never goes through. I tried to get him to buy us some drinks (I'm broke, he has a job) knowing that things I could eat or drink quickly and easily would be much appreciated that following day.

I've said for a long time before we got married that M needed a wife. The men in my life don't clean anything. They don't even do full loads of laundry, just throw in enough outfits for a day or two. Dishes don't get in the sink. M doesn't do this, but others tend to leave empty boxes in the cupboard, resulting in me not knowing that we need to replace whatever food. They don't do full grocery trips either, just buy whatever junk food they want for a couple days. If they DO get useful groceries, they sure suck at putting them away in the right spots. It's very strange to me. Every man I've ever lived with never knows were anything is; they always have to ask me and I always know the answer. I'm the one that knows when trash day is - and makes sure the trash gets out. I'm the only one that realizes we need more toilet paper or paper towels.

Seriously, how do single men survive?

Don't get me wrong; I love M, I love my dad, and at one time I loved that ex. And I signed up for this, and frankly, being the one that deals with all these day to day things gives me a certain amount of power over the household. I just throught this would be a humerous commentary for other women who sometimes feel like their SO's mommy. Lord help me if M ever reads this ;)

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