Monday, November 23, 2009

The Kids

I'm likely to talk about the dogs a lot here, and I don't post a lot of pictures. So now seems like a good time to describe them all and post some pictures of my babies.

This is Buck. He's my angel, my first born. He's super sweet and recently become a little cuddlebug. He liiiives for food and being told that he's a good boy. That tail is almost always wagging. He loves chasing toys and wrestling with me or other dogs. He's the only one of the 4 that we trust enough to take out off leash. I can't really say anything bad about him.

Judy just doesn't do photos, so this is the best I can do. Seriously, she knows when I switch my phone to camera mode and runs off. She's very sweet, loves to cuddle, is good for spooning at night when I'm alone. She lacks common sense (terrified of the vacuum, won't move when you're sweeping and will just let you sweep her), but is very clever. She thinks that sitting will get her anything she wants - attention, food, being let go to go chase that cat. She can escape from anything. Seriously, anything. She twice threw the pan out of her crate from inside the crate. One time she ate half of it, threw out half, and pulled the curtain rod out of the wall from inside her crate. She's kinda crazy. But, she's very loving, and if you need to know whether someone closed a car door two blocks away, she's your gal.

That's Loki, with Scrappy AKA Baby Girl AKA hellhound behind him. Loki is M's angel. He's pretty mellow most of the time, but whines if he sees you or an animal outside. He's pretty obedient to M, not so much to me. Poor thing has had multiple knee surgeries and melanoma removed from his face, plus demodex (sp?) that doesn't really respond to treatment and causes his fur to fall out in clumps. He and Buck made fast friends. Scrappy is another escape artist and absolutely destroyed M's old place, so we're keeping her on a figurative short leash. What is is about boy dogs being so good and girls being, well, bitches? Judy is little miss dominant and Scrappy is little miss chaos. She's another sweety, loves attention, but watch out if she's not getting enough of it!

M's dogs are both about 8 and mine are both about 5, so with some luck, knock on wood, we'll have them all for awhile to come. Mine are both 50-55 pounds, loki is 60-70, and scrappy is 30-35, so that's a lot of dogs! they're all used to sleeping in bed with people, but loki can't get up on my bed with his knees (i have a tall bedframe and a pillowtop mattress, so it's pretty high up) and scrappy sleeps in her crate, so we only have 110 pounds of dog at night, thank goodness. Judy is pretty iffy with other dogs, and Loki is a little dominant too, but luckily they've all gotten along pretty damn well, with just an occasional minor fight. There's a lot of humping, but dogs will be dogs. They even eat close together without problems, which surprised me. I'm so relieved that they get on so well; I don't know what we would have done if they didnt. Now if we could just keep them off the couch when we're not looking and keep the girls from finding ways out of the fence when we get that finished, we'll be good.

Told ya I could go on and on about my kids!                                                  

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