Thursday, January 7, 2010

wearin myself out

what a day. I've been super productive, which always makes me feel good. Even better, the husband is being helpful. I went to feed the mutts, realized we didnt have enough dog food for even one bowl, and called him. He asked me if I was calling to ask him to bring him dog food :) He was about to head out to Sam's and pick up a 50 lb bag anyway. I love it when he's helpful.

I changed the sheets on the bed and threw the dirty ones in the wash. Moved the comforter from the guest bed to our bed, seeings as its FREEZING. Changed out the pillows, put on the shams, put the new towels up in our bathroom. Folded a ridiculous amount of laundry and waiting to be able to throw a load in. Scrubbed the moldy pyrex, ran the dishwasher, scrubbed and washed the big dog water bowl, filled it up, chased dogs around the yard, vacuumed...I've been a good little girl! This after going to a mind-numbing bar review class for 4 hours then sitting in traffic trying to figure out how to get around roadblocks to get my allergy shot (didnt happen, doh).

Tonight is football night! I looooove football. Its nice to have something that I can share with my dad or M, no matter if we're not getting along at the time. And of course, the Tide are one of my teams. Thus, I'm nervous but super excited. Sure hope we win!


  1. Wow! You are seriously super woman! I can't believe that you got all that done today and you are still up and moving! You just may be my new hero... :)

  2. I love really productive days! Good for you! I'm sure you're tired but feel great too!!

  3. Man I feel like I should go clean now!
    It's great when the husband helps out, isn't it?
